Ansible real use-case study feedback

Mogili Akhila
2 min readDec 29, 2020

In this session, I have learned industry use cases using ansible automation it was such a pleasure to get the quality content from the best experts of industry Mr.Sreejith Anujan and Mr.Arun Eapen.

Session content :

→Ansible tower is a web based solution it make easy use for the it teams. It provides a dashboard with state summaries of all hosts, allow quick deployment.

It automated cloud provisioning, configuration, deployment and orchestration .

We can add credentials and that will be In encrypted way, adding credentials is to run playbooks and tell how to log into target node.

We can create job template.

Use Cases 1

  • Provisioning of infrastructure of aws ec2.

Use Case 2

  • Integrating ansible tower with notification tooling.

→Learned about work flow visualizer how it works .

→Here we can add more playbooks.

→demonstration of CD part of CI/CD.

→discussed about how to launch and configure service on oracle cloud .

→ discussed about orchestration.

I would like to thank Vimal Daga Sir, Preeti Daga Mam and Linux world for this Wonderful opportunity, looking forward for such informative and quality webinars.

